Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.
— Rumi

Lauren Wuerth is a passionately driven contemporary and classical flutist, constantly working to be innovative, fresh and seeking out new projects.

She holds a Master's Degree from The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen, Denmark, and a Bachelor's degree from the Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College. She has performed and won various prizes and competitions worldwide. While living in Copenhagen, Lauren frequently freelanced with The Copenhagen Philharmonic, and renowned contemporary ensemble, Athelas Sinfonietta.

Lauren is the founder of contemporary music ensembles, INNOVOX and SOUNDS and is continuously aiming to break the barriers between the classical and contemporary music worlds. She often premiers new works and has done so in numerous concert halls throughout the US and Europe. Besides being an active performer, Lauren is passionate about teaching and administrative work within the arts. She has held the position as the assistant music director at The Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen, worked in numerous concert halls, and is an active flute teacher. Now, Lauren is in NY teaching, freelancing and working at the Flute Center of New York as the Director of Client Services.